The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) has provided their support for maintaining the educational mission of EBS. In their recently released report, State K-12 Broadband Leadership 2019: Driving Connectivity, Access and Student Success; SETDA supports EBS educational mission and the important educational services and benefits that EBS licensees provide communities.
In the report, SETDA notes supports the continuance of the educational eligibility and use requirements for Educational Broadband Service (EBS) spectrum.
SETDA also noted that making this spectrum available to rural educators has the potential to drive rural deployment, increase access to educational services, spur economic growth and close the homework gap.
The report also featured a quote from the Utah Education and Telehealth Network, " We believe that EBS should continue to be an asset optimized to benefit educators and students. In each geographical area, EBS should be made available to the entity that can best leverage it's capacity and potential in offering educational internet to the community."
The State Educational Technology Directors Association is the principal nonprofit association representing US state and territorial educational technology leaders. SETDA's mission is to build and increase the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice.
The full report is available at