NEBSA Updates - EBS NPRM Not Included on FCC June Meeting Agenda

The FCC recently announced the EBS Notice of Proposed Rule Making is not scheduled on the agenda of their June meeting.  The delay may indicate the FCC is reviewing the increasing amount of feedback on the important educational role EBS plays nationwide.

The additional time frame provided by extending the NPRM review allows interested parties to contact elected officials and the FCC and inform them of the valuable work EBS licensees provides and the potential ramifications of modifying the rules.

Previously, NEBSA and other EBS affiliated organizations have noted several misconceptions stated dealing with EBS.  NEBSA has also been working with other EBS affiliated organizations contacting elected representatives and working with licensees to raise awareness on the issues and educational value of EBS.

A reminder that the NEBSA website offers a variety of NPRM resources including: FCC developments, recent endorsements of EBS educational mission from local and national educational organizations, educational materials, articles, links to other resources and a toolkit to help your organization raise awareness and support from officials.