Conferences - 2024 Conference Session Detail


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“Next Steps in Broadband”

(All times are Eastern time zone)

Revised: January 25, 2024



1:00 pm – 1:15 pm

Welcome and Introductory Remarks, Presentation of and Thanks to Sponsors, Thanks to Florida Atlantic University for Zoom Events platform, Preview of Conference Schedule (Patrick Gossman)

1:15 pm – 2:30 pm

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Robert Tercek – “Preparing for an Unpredictable Future”; Introduction by Patrick Gossman

We face massive societal changes – widespread AI deployment, a flood of computational propaganda, political fragmentation and media hyper-targeting.   In the next year, countries with more than half the world’s population will hold national elections.  All this will occur in the context of bigger global trends such as climate change, mass migration and rising geopolitical tensions.   Futurist Robert Tercek will explore these changes through the lens of education – how are we preparing for such a rapidly and unpredictably changing world?   This presentation will be interactive and participatory – join us with an open mind and an active imagination for a lively conversation!


2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

SESSION:  A Conversation with Educators: Utilization of EBS Assets

Co-Moderators:  Lynn Rejniak, Source for Learning; Charmaine Smith; Innovative Technology Education Fund; David Wu, Santa Clara County Office of Education

Presenters:  Kevin Bower, Source for Learning; Robert Droege, Lindbergh High School, Shannon Steimel, Hazelwood School District and Luis Wong, Imperial County Office of Education.

Session will feature presentations on how educational missions can be advanced through use and leasing of EBS licenses, highlighting the range of possibilities and how diverse uses of EBS assets positively impacts students.

3:30 pm – 3:45 pm



3:45 pm – 4:45 pm

SESSION: FCC Regulatory Update
Moderator:  Donna Balaguer

FCC Broadband Division Deputy Chief John Schauble and Assistant Chief Nadja Sodos-Wallace will discuss current EBS regulatory topics in this interactive session with Donna Balaguer, covering license renewals, discontinuance of operations, buildout deadlines, network coordination and interference issues and forthcoming availability of new wireless spectrum bands.

4:45 pm – 5:00 pm

Wrap-up and look ahead to tomorrow’s sessions






1:00 pm – 1:45 pm

GUEST PRESENTATION:  Harry Perlow, Strategist “Wireless - Looking Back and Looking Ahead”
Moderator:  Patrick Gossman

Harry Perlow, a long-time friend of the EBS community, strategist at T-Mobile and enormously engaging speaker, walks us through the 60-year history of EBS, including key technological advances that have gotten EBS where it is today, followed by a preview of coming technological developments.


1:45 pm – 2:45 pm

Moderator:  Todd Gray

Presenters:   Eduard Bartholme and/or Kimia Nikseresht FCC; John Windhausen, SHLB and Shauna Edson, NDIA.

Representatives of FCC Broadband Data Task Force will share insights on FCC efforts to “map” broadband coverage throughout the US.  John Windhausen, Executive Director of Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition and Shauna Edson, Senior Policy Manager of National Digital Inclusion Alliance, will present on their initiatives to bring broadband to and through community “anchor institutions” and to the home.  

2:45 pm – 3:30pm

Presenter:  Andreas Bitzarakis, Select Spectrum.

Session will provide “transactional snapshot” data points on EBS transactions following FCC historic rule changes in 2020 allowing commercial ownership of EBS licenses, the challenges facing EBS licensees seeking to sell, the impact of Auction 108 results, and impacts from FCC activities in other frequency bands.

3:30 pm – 3:45 pm


3:45 pm – 5:00 pm


Moderator:  Patrick Gossman
Presenters:  Paul McCarthy; Amy Byerly; Brandon Bullis; James Goldstein, Director, Technology and Engineering Policy and Dr. Angela Hemingway.

T-Mobile executives will share latest information on topics of importance to EBS licensees, particular those leasing EBS capacity to T-Mobile, including 5G Network deployment status, lease AP system conversion, spectrum barter account management, Auction 108 and license renewal updates, the FCC Drive Test (speed tests for vehicles), and T-Mobile educational sales.


5:00 pm – 5:15 pm

Wrap-up and Thanks to Sponsors, Participants and Attendees (Patrick Gossman)


NEBSA recognizes and appreciates the generous support
of our sponsors who help make this event possible.