FCC Resources - FCC Grants Extension of EBS Rulemaking Comment and Reply Deadlines

The FCC released an Order granting an extension of the comment and reply comment deadlines in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in WT Docket No. 18-120, relating to its proposals to modify the rules applicable to EBS to “transform” the 2.5 GHz band.  The FCC granted 30 additional days, making the comment deadline August 8, 2018 and the reply comment deadline September 7, 2018.

NEBSA and CTN had sought an extension of the comment deadlines, noting that the NPRM raises a host of very significant issues about nearly all aspects of the EBS band, and urging that additional time would ensure that the EBS community has an adequate opportunity to evaluate and respond to these important issues.

The FCC found that the number, scope and importance of the questions raised in the NPRM warrant an extension, and that an extension would serve the public interest by providing interested parties additional time to develop more full and complete responses.