Membership - Join NEBSA


The National EBS Association (NEBSA), established in1978, is a nonprofit professional organization representing Educational Broadband Service (EBS) licensees.

Membership in the organization is open to EBS licensees and to individuals, businesses, organizations, institutions or professional societies that do not have an EBS license but wish to support and share in the activities of the Association.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Conventions on EBS related activities and topics
  • Professional development opportunities and seminars
  • Influence on national EBS policy and rules
  • Assistance guiding best practices
  • Access to a network of EBS professionals

Annual dues are established and reviewed by the Board of Directors.


NEBSA Membership Application Form     |     NEBSA Membership Renewal Form



There are three membership categories: EBS Licensees, Associate Members, and Business and Corporate Members.


Open to all nonprofit entities holding an EBS (ITFS) license. Members shall name an official representative to serve as that organization's contact person and voting representative.


Open to any individual, nonprofit organization, educational institution, or professional society that does not hold an EBS (ITFS) license, nor is a business entity, and wish to share in the activities and support of the NEBSA. Members shall name an official representative to serve as the contact person and to receive announcements and other information.


Open to any business (individual, partnership, association, company, corporation, etc.) that wish to share in the activities and support of NEBSA. Such members shall name one representative to serve as the official representative to receive announcements and other information. This official representative is eligible to be appointed to one of the three (3) NEBSA Board positions designated to represent business and industry.


There are three levels of membership for EBS Licensee Members and Associate Members with ascending levels of benefits.

All members are entitled to a 250-word description of their products or services in their NEBSA website listing.

Basic EBS Licensee Membership                 Annual Dues          $500             

Basic Associate Membership                        Annual Dues          $500

            The Official Representative:  

  • Receives all NEBSA communications
  • Has access to the Members Only Section of the NEBSA website
  • Receives a 10% discount on all select activities other than the annual meeting.

Institutional EBS Membership                       Annual Dues          $800

Institutional Associate Membership             Annual Dues          $800

The Official Representative and two additional representatives: 

  • Receive all NEBSA communications
  • Are authorized access to the Members Only Section of the NEBSA website
  • Receive a 10% discount on all select activities other than the annual meeting.

Sustaining EBS Membership                      Annual Dues           $1400

Sustaining Associate Membership             Annual Dues           $1400

The Official Representative and four additional representatives:  

  • Receive all NEBSA communications
  • Are authorized access to the Members Only Section of the NEBSA website
  • Receive a 10% discount on all select activities other than the annual meeting

Patron EBS Membership                            Annual Dues          $1750

Patron Associate Membership                   Annual Dues          $1750

The Official Representative and six additional representatives:  

  • Receive all NEBSA communications
  • Are authorized access to the Members Only Section of the NEBSA website
  • Receive a 10% discount on all select activities other than the annual meeting

Basic Business and Corporate ­Memberships         

There are four levels of membership available to all individual, partnerships, incorporated and unincorporated business entities. Business and Corporate Membership includes a listing and logo in the Business Sponsors section of the NEBSA website

Basic Business and Corporate ­Membership                     Annual Dues    $680  

Businesses with 1 to 5 employees

The Official Representative will:

  • Receive all NEBSA communications
  • Have access to the Members Only Section of the NEBSA website
  • Receive a 10% discount on all select activities other than the annual meeting

Contributing Business and Corporate ­Membership        Annual Dues     $1500

Businesses with 6 to 100 employees

The Official Representative and three additional representatives will:

  • Receive all NEBSA communications
  • Have access to the Members Only Section of the NEBSA website
  • Receive a 10% discount on all select activities other than the annual meeting

Patron Level Business and Corporate Membership     Annual Dues     $3500

Businesses with over 100 employees

The Official Representative and ten additional designees will:

  • Receive all NEBSA communications
  • have access to the Members Only Section of the NEBSA website
  • Receive a 10% discount on all select activities other than the annual meeting